Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Level 48

ood grief, in all my days of leveling i have never leveled x2 in 3 hours. On top of the rested bonus, and also having the dps shoulders from the heroisim badges. And a little guidance from Carbonite and QuestUp Alliance.
At this rate, i could be level 60 by the weekend, but thats getting excitable, or is it?

I have been musing about Boomkin or Tree, im done with tanking. Been there & done that, but no doubt the urge will be there, no doubt. Already im into the swipe-swipe-swipe mode sometimes on group pulls of questing mobs. But cat is where its at. Well...hell, maybe even both with this new duel speccing, i'll have my cake, and eat it thanks Blizz.

I have to say i thought it was a great idea for the Alts gear Locked to Account shoulders idea. How many times have you thought, of if rolled a ?? instead, or what would this class be like to play....but couldnt be arsed leveling it.."Groann STV...Pfff"

I think i will need to read up on Boomkins, and see what the *work* is envolved in it, for example spell rotations, and gear. And i hope its not like a DK.

My baby Daughter continues to allow her folks to game in the evening, sleeping from 7pm until 2-3am. So that doesnt hurt the evenings as much, and even at 3 in the morning, a quick 30 minute bottle and she is fast asleep again. 10 weeks fast they grow

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Level 46

eleted my druid during the WOTLK craze, I needed to clear out my alts and prepare myself for playing a Death Knight. Who doesn’t have one?...seriously?
After a polite ticket to a GM last night I had my druid restored. Naked, my main character was logged on and transferred some money across..
While I was at it, I bought the Locked to Account shoulders from the Hero chap in Dalaran (Aweful graphics lag).
Our little familly also increase by the size of a 7 lb baby in March, where myself and Leni took some time out from the game for about 2-3 months while we all settled in again. Being a GM, the guild managed to putter along quite happily until we returned, and the thanks goes to the officers who supported the guild during that period. And the guild members for standing with us and working together. However, since our baby girl now sleeps from 7pm until a wakeup call around 3am, WoW is now again playable in the evening, much to the rejoice of the officers and guild. And at 2 months old, our baby girl has given us much joy, and sleepless nights.
With Artemíss (note x2 s's) since I renamed my hunter Artemis put a bit of spanner in the works. My Main character is called Nuadah, so I will have to rethink, me thinks.

What a different game WOTLK is ay? On my Death Knight I have been to just about all the raids, except Malygos, which I will see on Thursday. I raid lead on Thursdays, so all the other days will be focused on my druid. …as our guild has many DK's (Tanks or DPS) and after last week I felt there were heaps of Melee DS in our guild. More later. So far I have Carbonite and QuestUp Alliance working together to get me on the leveling up fast route..